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Photo Petra Wevers |
Dutch word ‘kwantum’ easily translates into the English quantum, meaning
quantity, although I mainly think of large quantity. This is probably due to
the term quantity discount: buy a lot of something and it becomes cheaper.
There is also something orange in my mind's eye, and that is due to that Dutch home
furnishings store chain with its orange logo, which once started under the name
Kwantum Hallen (‘Quantum Halls’).
some time now, the word has been buzzing around the international IT community
in its English spelling. It's all about the quantum computer, that strange
machine that came straight from the film set of Back to the future, with
its system of elegant pipes that provide cooling. Because the quantum computer
likes it cold: in the heart of the machine the temperature is only ten milliKelvin
(a tiny bit colder, 0 K or rounded off -273 °C, is absolute zero: it can't get
any colder). 'Quantum' in this context depicts not at lot, but rather revolves
around minimal quantities.
addition to its bizarre appearance and the conditions required to function, the
quantum computer has another peculiar property. As long as computers have
existed, we have been used to the bit: a value that can be 0 or 1 and with
which the computer can do calculations. But that crazy quantum computer works with
qbits, which can be 0 and 1 at the same time, and everything in between. Until
you look at it, because then the qbit has to show its colour. Sort of like
Schrödinger's cat, which is in a closed box and is therefore simultaneously
dead and alive to an observer, until the moment he opens the box and determines
the state of the animal. With those qbits you can perform some calculations
very quickly, because you can follow multiple paths at the same time. While
ordinary computers work according to the pattern 'if this is true, then do
this, else do that', the quantum computer simply does both and ultimately sees
where it ends up. As a result, it makes many mistakes, but because it performs
the calculations very often, a winning outcome emerges.
talked about this with our brand new team member Petra Wevers, who calls
herself a pathfinder in the field of quantum security. Quantum computers
threaten the current way we protect our data which is, to a very important
extent, based on a complex mathematical problem. To encrypt files you need
keys, which are created by multiplying very large prime numbers. An attacker
who wants to obtain the key does have the outcome of that calculation, but
finding the two prime numbers (factorization) is extremely difficult. At least,
for regular computers. For quantum computers, however, it is a piece of cake.
The quantum computer therefore poses a major threat to the confidentiality of
our data.
quantum computers cannot yet do that. Predictions vary widely, but you often
hear that it will take somewhere between 7 and 10 years. Elsewhere I learned
that from 2030 there is a real but small chance of breaking cryptography.
Breaking RSA 2048 (a certain cryptographic algorithm, with a key length of 2048
bits) is expected to require a quantum computer with a million qbits, while the
most powerful known (!) computer has only 433. Oh, you think, so we're not in a
hurry. Think again. A lot of information that is confidential now will still be
confidential in ten years. Long-term attackers, such as certain countries, are
already stealing that information, even though they can't do anything with it
yet. But if they can read that information a decade later, it will still be
useful to them. Steal now, decrypt later, is their motto. Petra calls
the situation we are in now the quantum squeeze. Others talk about Qday
or even the Quantum Apocalypse, but it all comes down to the same
thing: we have to do something before it's too late. And we have to act now.
We do
not yet have quantum-safe cryptography, and the route to it has not yet been
crystallized, says Petra. There are stopgap measures. Making keys longer, for
example, so that even it will even take a quantum computer a while to figure
them out. And – allow me to get specific for a moment – switching to TLS 1.3,
because previous versions, which are still in full use, cannot handle hybrid
algorithms (an accumulation of different algorithms). In addition, we can also be
quantum annoying by frequently changing keys, so that the quantum computers choke
in a tremendous workload. And if you as an organization purchase items, include
quantum safety in your requirements. Ask your suppliers about their plans in
this area.
and science are serious about our safety, says Petra. Such as in the Dutch Quantum
secure Cryptography Gov program.
Next year, NIST (the American Standards Institute) will publish standards in
this area, which are expected to be incorporated into commercial products three
years later. According to Petra, it is generally overlooked that soon everyone
will be able to work on quantum computers via some website, including criminals.
Just as we can now all use artificial intelligence. It is not all doom and
gloom: quantum computers, for example, will also help in the development of new
medicines and batteries, it is expected. Let's fight to ensure that the
positive use of this groundbreaking technology wins.
And in the big bad world...
This section contains a selection of news articles I came across in the
past week. Because the original version of this blog post is aimed at readers
in the Netherlands, it contains some links to articles in Dutch. Where no
language is indicated, the article is in English.
- you don't always need a quantum computer to obtain crypto keys.
- the danger of hacked artificial intelligence lurks.
- Aviation over the Middle East is struggling with attacks on navigation systems.
- NameDrop shares your contact information (too) easily on your iPhone.
- Chinese spies have been snooping in the computers of a Dutch chip manufacturer for years.
- International police forces have busted a Ukrainian ransomware gang.
- the Dutch parliamentary elections were quite safe. [DUTCH]
- there is now a mattress with a privacy policy.
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