


Image from Pixabay

Recently, RITA came into my life. She just fluttered in during a risk analysis, and I listened with fascination to what a colleague had to say about her (thank you Henk!). Later I Googled her and was impressed by her engaging personality. Her image is a bit less flattering, but I still prefer to judge RITA on her character rather than her appearance.

RITA is an acronym that stands for Reliable Internetwork Troubleshooting Agent. It's an April Fool's joke from 1998, presented as an RFC. That abbreviation stands for Request for Comments. An RFC is literally a request to comment on something. That ‘something’ are protocols and other documents that describe the operation of the internet. Ultimately, an RFC becomes a standard, but strangely enough it’s still called an RFC.

RFC 2321 describes “usage of Nondeterministic Troubleshooting and Diagnostic Methodologies as applied to today’s complex nondeterministic networks and environments”. The difficult word, which appears twice in the previous sentence, means that outcomes are variable even when the conditions are the same. I put aside the common assumption among laymen that computers always produce the same output in identical situations - especially with identical input - at the very beginning of my career. At the time, I was responsible for the COBOL software that took care of the nightly processing of income tax data. One evening an operator (hello Oscar!) called me because the processing had stalled. I told him to just restart the processing. Never heard anything about it again.

RITA is charmingly simple, and the way she makes her diagnosis is equally so. Moreover, the outcome is easy to understand because it is binary: it is right or wrong, there is no in between. RITA's primary area of use is hardware and software, but I think RITA can also be successfully used in countless other environments, even outside IT.

RITA is a rubber chicken with a length of 51.25 cm (20 3/16”) and its operation is very simple. You place it on the device to be analyzed or, in the case of software, on a still packaged copy of the software, or if necessary on a printout of the source code (that old COBOL software of mine was easily a decimetre (4”) thick). And here’s the punchline: if RITA flies away, then the object to be analyzed is error-free. If, on the other hand, RITA remains down, then something is wrong. You get the idea: rubber chickens don't fly – unless they're thrown, of course.

Moral of the story: hardware and software always contain errors, because they are incredibly complex. And, I always add, some of those errors have bad consequences for the security of the object, and possibly even for the security of the wider environment in which it is active (a hacked baby monitor is not only annoying because the hacker is in your home, but also because the device can be misused in a DDoS attack on an organization on the other side of the world).

In our risk analyses, we always ask how vulnerable a particular object is to errors in software, broken down into self-built and purchased software. Vulnerability is determined by the measures you have taken to address a threat. The application of the DTAP model is invariably mentioned as a measure: the development, testing, acceptance and finally running of the software in production takes place in separate environments, the intention being that an error will come to light in one of these phases. Attack & penetration testing is often used to determine whether an attacker can gain access to the object. And vulnerability scanning regularly checks whether a product contains known vulnerabilities. What remains after all this good work are the mistakes that have still been overlooked. And believe me: RITA will never take to the skies. The only question is who will discover a risky error first: a crook or an honest person.


And in the big bad world...

This section contains a selection of news articles I came across in the past week. Because the original version of this blog post is aimed at readers in the Netherlands, it contains some links to articles in Dutch. Where no language is indicated, the article is in English.



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