
A day at the zoo


Image from Pixabay

Last Tuesday, accompanied by a bright autumn sun, I walked with a teammate through the Dinosaurs department of the zoo in Amersfoort. Crazy, isn't it, that a zoo, which generally collects living creatures, has also furnished a piece of forest with statues of long-extinct animals. Just as crazy as the presence of a playground, by the way. Did you come to watch animals or to seesaw?

If you think our presence there, during working hours, is even stranger, then you have to consider that zoos also have spaces that they rent out for gatherings. And so that afternoon we had a meeting of our organizational unit, the CTO Office, responsible for the optimal and effective use of technology throughout the organization. After a clear talk from our director (the chief technology officer, or CTO) we had to split up into groups to talk about a certain theme. You know the drill: the groups are composed in advance in such a way that you do not sit together with your own teammates, so that you also come into contact with other people. I was, however, in a group of which I already knew two IT architects; one through work, the other through a chat at the coffee machine. The others, a license manager and a contract manager, I knew by sight.

The theme to be discussed te was called: fast, better, safer. Technology must be made quickly available to our employees. Apparently the quality can also be improved a bit and well, the realization that it has to be safer has fortunately also penetrated the higher echelons. In many organizations this means little more than comfortably abstractly shouting that everything must become safer, leaving the workplace behind in a despairing "Yes, but how?" Because the gap between the acknowledgment that it has to be safer and the practical implementation of such an ukaze soon has canyonesque dimensions. Welcome to the field of tension between 'that is not allowed' and 'but otherwise it won't work'.

The fact that they put us to work with this theme shows both guts and the need to actually give substance to it. The first thing we wrote down was that you should not only be fast, better and safer, but also flexible. That is, as it were, the catalyst that lends a helping hand to the other three properties. Flexible in combination with safer means that you do not strive for maximum security, but for optimal security. That also means that you can be more flexible in certain situations – I am thinking of test environments, for example. However, security policies and standards do not provide for this; such documents seem to be blind to the complex environment of a large ICT organization.

This brings us to risk appetite. How much risk is an organization willing to take? A company that produces things with a short time to market will generally have a greater appetite for risk than, say, a government agency. After all, that product has to arrive in the shops quickly and then you can't afford an overly frivolous security overhead. Just look at smart devices such as baby monitors, security cameras and toasters, which turn the Internet of Things into a dangerous mess.

Our conclusion was that we need to differentiate between the risks we face. An inextricable part of this is the unambiguous determination of who is responsible for what. One of the architects wanted to keep that responsibility as low in the organization as possible. I was able to convince him that it should at least lie at the level of a department head, because otherwise self-interest might weigh too heavily: if a team has to achieve a goal, a team manager will generally accept risks more easily. However, risks tend to have a broader impact than one team and must therefore also be weighed in that broader context. Some distance from the work floor helps with this.

Yesterday I spoke to a department head who often deals with risk treatment. We have set up a process that regulates that when someone wants something that is not allowed according to the rules, but is (at that time) necessary to ensure progress, they must write down what that means and what risk the organization runs. And that form must be submitted to the head of department. Because things have been getting out of hand lately, he is actively engaging with his peers to bring about change. In many cases, taking those risks is not really necessary, provided that some effort is made to work on a robust solution. This head of department clearly takes responsibility for security, while not losing sight of the importance of the operation. Because security is also about availability.

Another zoo group, which was also discussing of the 'fast, better, safer' theme, had written down: read the Security (b)log! That is of course a great always-good action.


And in the big bad world…

This section contains a selection of news articles I came across in the past week. Because the original version of this blog post is aimed at readers in the Netherlands, it contains some links to articles in Dutch. Where no language is indicated, the article is in English.


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