
Do you lock the front door?


Image from Pixabay

“Well, I thought it was password protected.” That’s how a colleague reacted who was pointed out that his team not only had information in a questionable place, but that the information was also unprotected. And there were quite interesting things to read.

That dubious place was a cloud service. And it appears that a private account has been used for that service. All this left me completely flabbergasted. Let me explain why I feel so strongly about this.

To start with, the use of that cloud service. Is it really too much to expect our ICT specialists to know this simple rule: no cloud, unless? And that 'unless' is rather limited? Yes, change is coming, and a cloud service can be very useful, but that doesn't mean you can go into the cloud on your own.

“Ah, haven't we bought this service? No problem, we can use my private account!” Why didn't anyone on that team shout out: “You can’t be serious about that, can you?” Why was the person who suggested this idea not immediately and indignantly called to order? I'll explain it as simple as possible: use the boss's stuff for work (with some specific exceptions). If the boss doesn't offer what you need, you can ask if it can be bought, but you don't bring anything from home.

And then there was also information that cannot bear the light of day. Fortunately, it wasn’t business information, but nontheless things that certain people know how to deal with, at the expense of our information security.

But the goofiest thing that I heard was this " Well, I thought it was password protected." You should not think it, you should know it. Security doesn't happen by itself, folks. You have to do something about it. Not only in bad situations, as above, but also in normal situations.

Some people don't lock their front door when they go to run an errand. If you have a rather poor lock on your door, burglars will be inside within 1 to 2.5 minutes. They’ll happily do that in broad daylight. A good lock (three SKG stars in the Netherlands) extends this time to 3-5 minutes, which is apparently long enough to deter crooks. But even if you don't lock the door, at least you close it. And if you're not sure whether you've done that, you turn around and check. In the digital world, we use passwords, among other things, to protect our digital content. If you're not sure if you've protected access to a system, check it. Rather than thinking: I’ll just be fine.

Do you think this story is about you? That doesn't mean it actually is. There have been cases where someone thought the Security (b)log was about him, while it was based on a different (but almost identical) case. Moreover, this is a blog, in which I can take the liberty of adding to stories, romanticizing them or even making them up completely – although I rarely do the latter.

If the shoe fits, wear it.


And in the big bad world…

This section contains a selection of news articles I came across in the past week. Because the original version of this blog post is aimed at readers in the Netherlands, it contains some links to articles in Dutch. Where no language is indicated, the article is in English.


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